
19399301_2029836350375960_93266298374346111_n Joseph W. Benes

My name is Joe Benes, I am 23 years old, and I am a graduate from Prairie View A&M University. I have a love for my country and a passion for the world of politics  and hope to one day play a role in improving this country for future generations.

I grew up in Omaha, Nebraska where I had 2 of the greatest parents in the world, Joe and Ann, who worked extremely hard to ensure me and my 2 brothers (Brian and Bradley) had all the tools we needed to grow into men and make the most of our talents and passions. My parents were the greatest influences to me and my brothers who taught us the value of hard work and not to make excuses when faced with difficulties. While living in Omaha I attended St. Thomas More Catholic Grade School and then went on to high school at Omaha Central.

As a child i remained very active in athletics (Baseball and Football) and I was lucky enough to even receive a scholarship to continue my baseball career in college at Prairie View A&M University. It was at Prairie View where I grew and matured the most as a student and thinker. Being a conservative white male at a left leaning Historical Black College and University (HBCU) was the ultimate challenge. Not because I was harassed or treated unfairly by classmates or teachers but because it forced me to work harder to develop formulate my beliefs and without many people on my side of the aisle I was forced to do extra homework to back up my own claims while discussing with my peers. This is what made my experience at Prairie View so wonderful and I would not trade my experience there for anything in the world!

While in school I became more politically active than ever before, donating to campaigns in the midterm and general elections, reading more books (outside of class) than ever before, and even attending events put on by various candidates/figures. During the latter years of my time at Prairie View I even went on to serve as President of the Political Science Honors Society for the Prairie View Chapter. It was at Prairie View where I allowed my voice to begin to formulate and with the support of my of my teachers and advisor it has matured and will continue to grow into something that others will enjoy hearing!

Thank you for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy some of my thoughts and please feel free to give me some feedback from time to time!

Please feel free to follow me on social media!


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